The results of the course 'T+S'


See for the papers and the summeries: here

The results of the groups

The Transistor-group (version 1.0); (applet)


Paper of Ali M. Ellafi: good paper; content paragraph is not necessary in a paper; use APA norms in the reference-list, also in the URL references; all about effective, efficient, risk free, advantages and disadvantages is what I like to read in this paper. 8.5 points

Paper of Chunyan Liu: good paper. I like this. 8 points

The Biology-group (version 2.0); (applet); (applet RM)

First comments:

Paper is finished. Looks good. 7.5 points. The MacTHESIS philosophy is now transformed into the concept of parallelism. It was the basics to that designing concept and the PI theory. These two things are better descripted.

The Control-group (version 1); (version 2); (version 3); (version 4)


Paper of xxx: is coming.

Paper of xxx: is coming.

The Cardio-group (version 2.0); (applet); (experimental applet)


Paper of Adel Agina: points 8. The paper is good, but it is starting with intelligent simulations and mnemonics as DT; beter is to start with normal simulations and later the description of ICSP's; and not to use technical things in this paper. The paper is a little bit longer, as task was seeing. The best part (conform the order) is the last part of the paper. Parallelism is a designers topic; not an users or teachers topic. Users and teachers are more the target groups than designers (in this case). What are the sources of your paper? Use APA norms (of Betty Collis) for writing a paper. Explain de abbreviations better en use the real abbreviations of the user. Don't use too much capitals (fonts) in words as Simulator Interface Designer and Simulator Educational Creator.

The Axon-group (version 1); (applet)


Paper of Victor Bovt: 7 points. The paper is more a summary of 4 reports and not integrated in one document; this paper (and the reports) are interesting for me; the text is clear and good; the remarks about motivation are important for me; the 6 motivation theories are important for me (as reader); you forgot a reference-list; the paper is missing the APA norms; the source-report was for using but also other sources were welcome.

Enschede, March, 12. 2003.